Sustainable Regeneration

Sustainable Regeneration of Former Military Sites' Routledge 2016. This book is the first to analyse the search for sustainable futures for property formerly dedicated to national defence. The transition from military to civilian life for these complex, contaminated, heritage laden and often contested sites in locations ranging from urban to remote is far from easy. With twelve case studies drawn from China, Taiwan, the Netherlands, the UK and the US, many written by those involved, this books enables the diverse stakeholders in these projects to discover opportunities for reuse and learn from others' experience of successful regeneration.' Hardback 978-1-138-01652-1; Paperback 978-1-138-59505-7; eBook 978-1-315-62178-4. Routledge series Research in Planning and Urban Design.


1. Framing military brownfields as a catalyst for urban regeneration - Samer Bagaeen
2. From Crown to commons? A UK perspective – Julian Dobson
3. Democracy, military bases, and marshmallows – Connor Ryan
4. Make art not war: Defence sites find new life as centres of creativity – Celia Clark
5. A parable: The emergence of ruderal 'communities' on former military bases in the UK – Fen B. Kipley
6. Communities old and new: Military brownfields and the Aldershot Urban Extension – Robert Adam
7. Twelve miles, eighteen years, and worlds apart:
The cases of the Philadelphia Navy Yard and the Frankford Arsenal - Christopher A. Preble
8. Military sites conserva1on and regenera1on in Taiwan – Yi-Jen Tseng
9. Military brownfields in the Netherlands: The revitaliza1ons of the New Dutch Waterline (1980-2014) – Gerdy A. Verschuure-Stuip
10. The Regenera1on of disused military airfields in China – Tang Yan and Yang Dong
11. Redeveloping Naval Air Sta1on Brunswick: From a navy base to a great new place! – Steven Levesque
12. The Brooklyn Navy Yard revived: A defense conversion case study in the United States – Christopher A. Preble and Celia Clark
13. Conclusion: Diversity in the transformaton of defense sites to new civilian life – Celia Clark

This pioneering book was launched on 22 June 2016 on Governors' Island, New York's key new park created on a military and coast guard base. Three of the authors: Celia Clark, Samer Bagaeen and Chris Preble were present ...

map public interest

By Julian Dobson Bill Sargent Trust

Dr. Celia Clark is an expert on the transition of former defence sites to civilian uses and was editor of the publication in the imageShe initiated a series of conferences organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology: Defence Sites: Heritage and Future held in Portsmouth in 2012, Venice Arsenale in 2014, Alicante in 2016. She is a committee member of the international Naval Dockyards Society.